Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Review: Supergirl #20

I'm not sure why I haven't been reading Supergirl for a while, I think I just ran out of time with all of the books coming out each month, but I'm very glad that I decided to pick it up today.

This was a really enjoyable issue,  it had a great mix of Humour and action and was a great read. I haven't been reading the last few issues but I didn't feel lost just picking it back up here, and I still enjoyed the story.

The dialogue between Supergirl and Powergirl was really fun to read and I enjoyed Kara's remarks about Powergirl's new outfit. And reading Sanctuary (Kara's automated home) try to be as polite as possible while trying to destroy one of the two Karas was great! I really enjoyed how Micheal Allan Nelson wrote this issue, overall!

Mahmud Asrar's art seems to be getting more enjoyable the more I look at it, I wasn't keen on it in the first few issues of this series but the more I've seen of his work in the book along with the sketches he's posted online have changed how I think about his art, and I think it was really good in this issue.

I only have two problems with this issue, the first, there's a scene in the issue where Powergirl has to fly from the seafloor into the air, this takes up "a mile of the ocean", which is treated as a danger to Supergirl, I'm not sure if it'd have a huge affect on her Kryptonian body, so it didn't seem like a huge threat while reading it. I am not, however, an expert on Kryptonian biology so I don't know if that's a huge problem with the issue.

The second is just that I've never been very keen on Powergirl's original outfit, it's a bit ridiculous sometimes, but I guess that's something editorial requested and there isn't much that the immediate creative team can do about that.

All around, this was an enjoyable and fun issue, and is definitely worth picking up!

Rating: 8/10!

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