As you can probably tell from the title, in this feature I spotlight some of the top and most recommendable comic books out this week. I didn't write an article for last week's comics because I was away for five days but it's back this week and there are some great comics out!
Batman/Superman #1

A book that focuses on both Batman and Superman. Not only that, but their first adventures together as superheroes. I think DC have pretty much secured a slot on a lot of people's pull lists this week. As well as having two hugely popular characters as the stars of one book, this book also has two great creators, writer Greg Pak and artist Jae Lee. Greg Pak is clearly getting more important over at DC considering this series and the fact that he's recently been announced as the new full-time writer for
DC Comics' "Action Comics", and from what I've read of his work, he's pretty good, you'll probably know his work from Marvel's "Planet Hulk", which is one of my favourite comic book stories of all time. Then onto Jae Lee, who is a fantastic artist. He has a truly unique style of art and some of the preview pages are just unbelievable, definitely a treat for the eyes. I really recommend this book, it's set to be brilliant.
The Flash #21

It's the first meeting of Barry Allen and Bart Allen ( Obviously, The Flash and Kid Flash ). It's quite hard to believe that it's been twenty-one months since the last meeting between Barry and Bart and it's something I've been eagerly anticipating for that entire time. The Flash family are some of my favourite characters in comic books, Bart being my favourite of them all. It's going to be great to see the Flash meet his 31st century grand-son for the first time in the New 52! Also, this issue is by the double-team of Brian Buccellato of Francis Manapul who are a great pair on this series. Francis Manapul's art on this series has been amazing, with all of his issue blowing me away and this new arc with the Reverse-Flash really has me interested.

The Green Team: Teen Trillionares #2
This is a series that got off to a great start last month and I'm really looking forward to seeing the team of Art Baltazar, Franco and Ig Guara have in store for us this issue! The first issue took a really unexpected turn towards the end of the leader of these rich kids taking on a super-villain. If that doesn't sound good to you, it's probably just my explanation of it, I had to explain it quickly. Seriously, if you're familiar with any of Art Baltazar and Franco's work ( Such as, Tiny Titans, Superman Family adventures ) you'll know this series is a must-buy. And on the topic of the art, I really wasn't a fan of Ig Guara's art until I read the last issue, it really turned around my opinion of his work and I really liked what I saw.
Hawkeye #11

Onto the final pick for this week, Hawkeye. Oh, god, Hawkeye. This series is just... it's honestly too good for anything I say ton do it justice, but I'll have a shot. This series is pretty much the best on the shelves, it's certainly the best thing I've read from Marvel recently. Matt Fraction is a genius, this book is so witty and fun but it really makes you feel for the characters too. He is just a brilliant writer and he's come up with a brilliant concept for this book, something used in no other comic books right now. Then there's the art. The beautiful, wonderful art. David Aja and Matt Hollingsworth are
the comic book art team right now, with such a unique style. I honestly can't describe it, but there's just something amazing about it. Anyway, enough about the series! Onto this issue! If all of that stuff about the creative team hasn't got you on board for this, here's something that
definitely will. This entire issue is focused on Hawkeye's pet, Pizza-Dog. The entire comic, about his pizza loving dog. You know the creative team are doing a good job when they're aloud to do this. This is my top pick, and the comic I'm most looking forward to this week. If you can only buy one comic, make it Hawkeye!
So, those are my recommendations for tomorrow, hope you try them out!
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