I can't tell you enough how bad an idea it would be to spoil this film for yourself.
Final warning: Major Spoilers.
Okay, I'm assuming if you're reading this, you've already seen Man of Steel. Now, a few days ago I posted my predictions for the Man of Steel movie, I did actually get a few right but now I'll go though the list and see what was wrong and what was right. To be honest, some of my predictions were properly ridiculous, but there were a few serious ones, and a few that were right! Here we go, then....
1. "What if Krypton wasn't destroyed?": WRONG
Okay, I guess this was a pretty obvious outcome for my prediction. My prediction was that, since there was no footage or mention of Krypton's destruction in any of the trailers, maybe in this film Krypton wouldn't get destroyed, a sort of "Reverse-Vulcan" I guess. To be honest, I think it was pretty obvious this would be wrong, it is a huge part of Superman's story, and can't really be changed. Although, Krypton's destruction in this film was considerably more impressive than anything we'd seen before, more than just the flash of green and rocks everywhere.
2. "Knee-El": WRONG
This prediction was that Superman had an ancestor named Knee who was in charge of Krypton's military force before General Zod, allowing for the line "Knee-El before Zod". I guess, really this prediction was just about a reference to the classic line, of which there were none. No obvious hints to the line, the only one I spotted was that before the climatic final fight in this film, Zod was kneeling before Superman, but that was probably just a coincidence.
3. "The Daily Planet": RIGHT
Okay, this one was good. I got this one completely right, honestly. The line I typed in my original prediction was "This is what I think they'll use for the final scene of the movie, Clark Kent arriving in Metropolis and turning up at the Daily Planet.", which is exactly what happened. Clark arrives at the Daily Planet and gets a job. I was tempted to lean over to my Dad and say "I told you so" but after that final action scene, I had lost the power of speech.

This was another of those predictions just slipped in there for a bit of fun. The idea was that Superman's method of shaving his beard was to use a cream with ground up diamonds in it, as modelled by Tobias from Arrested Development. This wasn't just a random idea, there was some reason behind it: Diamond is one of the strongest substances in the world, and does a good job of cutting Steel ( See where I'm heading with this? ), So, if Superman was to apply this cream to his face, could it work as a shaving cream? Probably not, no, but I'm not an expert on the science of shaving. Actually, we never got an explanation for Superman's beard disappearance, maybe in the director's cut?
5. "The death of Pa Kent": RIGHT
Hey, I got another one right! Although, I shouldn't try and sound happy here, this was probably the most moving scene in the film. Jonathon Kent had been trying so hard to protect his adopted son's secret about his alien origins, and this was the ultimate sacrifice for that cause. The Kents and their dog, along with more families, were caught in a tornado. Pa Kent cleared the way for Martha and Clark, along with the rest of the families, to escape and get to safety. However, their dog was trapped in the car. Jonathon ran to the car and freed him, but injured his leg and couldn't get himself to safety. Now, obviously, Clark could've used his powers to save his adopted father, but since Jonathon knew this would expose the soon to be Superman's secret before anybody was ready, he let himself perish in the storm. And, yes, that was the moment in the film that brought me closest to shedding a tear.
6. "The destruction of General Fluffy": WRONG

No, Zod's motive was not that his pet hamster has just died and he was really angry. Let's move on...
7. "New Krypton": IN THE MIDDLE
After I'd seen the film I thought back to all of my theories and this one stuck out as a bit different, to be honest. No, there was no set-up to the actual "New Krypton" story from the comic books. But the main point of that story was used. What Zod wanted to do to Earth was basically make it into a New Krypton, starting a new line of Kryptonians to inhabit the Earth. The thing that stood out to me as relating to the comics was what Superman thought about this, that the Humans and Kryptonians would never get along. So, this one was neither right or wrong, because some aspects of the New Krypton story were used, but not the actual plot, and no real hints to it happening in future films.
8. "We're putting a team together, DC style": WRONG
I'm actually really surprised about this one. There was no set-up to a Justice League film, no other super-heroes and no post-credit scene. There was only one hint to another main DC character, however: When Zod and Superman are fighting above Earth, they destroy a Wayne-tech satellite. But that's all we get for now. This makes me wonder when DC are actually going to start setting up a Justice League film, and if they will take a similar route to Marvel's shared universe.
Man of Steel is in cinemas now, directed by Zack Snyder, produced by Christopher Nolan, Written by Nolan and David S. Goyer and starring Henry Cavill as Kal-El/Clark Kent, Michael Shannon as General Zod, Amy Adams as Lois Lane, Russell Crowe as Jor-El with many more.
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