Thursday, 6 June 2013

Review: Kick-Ass 3 #1

Spoilers for the issue below!

I'd never read an issue of Kick-Ass before this, I'd heard a lot about the two previous series and it's something I'd been wanting to try for a while. I felt that with the launch of the third and final instalment of the main Kick-Ass  story it was a good time to give the book a shot, so I did, and I loved it.

I  think that Mark Millar has come up with a really interesting idea with this series, it's definitely a different type of book compared to all the others on the shelves right now. I was expecting the same sort of Comic book that you see all the time but it just feels different. At the start of the issue a group of heroes team-up to break Hit-Girl out of prison and they straight up get scared and admit they're nowhere near ready. They run away. That's not what you see in many comics, if any, and it's my favourite scene from this entire issue, maybe out of all of the comics out this week.

This book shows just how good a writer Mark Millar can be, it's a unique book and has a really different feel to it, you get the feel that these are real "street-level" characters, not like how characters like Batman are, they're actually walking down the streets. They're literally Street-Level, I really loved that aspect of the book.

I also love the interaction between the characters, especially between Kick-Ass and his friend, Todd. They act like proper teenagers towards each other, I love that aspect of the issue, they act like what I imagine a teen in this situation to act like.

The only real complaint I can find for the story is that despite this being an issue 1, it's not the best place for new readers, I knew I'd be a  bit lost going into it since I haven't read any Kick-Ass before, but I was a bit confused by something. I definitely recommend reading the first trades before this, or watch the films. At the very least, read up on the plot on the internet, I think you'll really benefit from that if you're getting into the story with this issue.

Just one last point on the story, there are references to comics in the issue. It was a shock to see Batman and Fantastic Four references in this issue, it's yet another thing you don't see in other comics, and it really adds to Kick-Ass and Todd's characters to use these, considering they work in a comic book shop.

Now to the art by John Romita Jr. I'm a big fan of Romita Jr's work on Amazing Spider-Man and was looking forward to his work on the issue. I enjoyed it but feel this wasn't his best work; At times, the faces looked a little off and there were a lot of times where the characters looked a little younger than they should have. Apart from that, I really enjoyed his art and think he draws a Kick-Ass Kick-Ass! (Sorry, had to).

In conclusion, a great issue and a good start to the final instalment of the Kick-Ass story. Amazing writing and good art, worth picking up! But you would benefit from reading the first trades before this one.

Rating: 8/10

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