BB: You are most welcome!
CS: Brett, how does drawing a solo book like Nightwing compare to a team book such as Teen Titans or even crossover stories, like the Culling story?
BB: It's different. WAY more backgrounds! There are different tricks you need to do. In a team book you can use the other characters to create depth, in a solo you have to do it with backgrounds. The Culling was a bit different, that's a crossover kinda thing and that can get messy. So much in every panel, you just want it to end!;) With a solo you can focus on just the main character more, so he or she needs to look good!
CS: Is there any particular aspect of a character that you add or exaggerate when you're drawing Bat-related characters like Dick and Tim?
BB: Well, I try to make their agility pop. They are the more acrobatic characters so they move with more of a purpose. And Dick needs to reflect this even more than Tim. He needs to be agile yet graceful, flashy yet elegant. Hard to do right and I have plenty of scrapped pages to show this. It needs to be 'right'.
CS: How closely do you work with a writer when you're drawing a book? And do different writers control different amounts of the storytelling duties?
BB: It's different with every writer. Scott left me alone after some headbutting at the beginning. Took me a bit to figure out how to do the panels for him to show the story and not over panel the page. I usually call them up and talk to them if I want to move something around or tweak it. Most times they're game, anything to make the book look better!:)
CS: Now, onto some questions about your new book, Nightwing!
How does it feel to be joining the book in what seems like a new beginning for the character and the series? With Dick Grayson moving to Chicago after Gotham, and, I'm assuming, a new supporting cast.
BB: Well... MOSTLY new cast. It's both easier and harder. Now everyone has to be introduced and this can be a slow process. With the old city you could just drop a name and you knew who they were, now you have to explain everything. On the other hand I'm not stuck drawing to someone else's designs so more freedom
CS: I've noticed that your Nightwing costume is a little different to Eddy Barrows and Juan Jose Ryp's. Specifically the finger stripes, belt and neck. Were the small changes your idea?
BB: Kyle and I were talking and he mentioned the finger stripes. They couldn't figure out a way to do them with the new gauntlets. So I took a stab. After the stripes, we decided to see what else we could tweak and after a few designs we had something we liked. We were going to work up to the changes but our Editor said to just go for it, and we did.
CS: Is there anything specific you like to do for drawing Nightwing? Any specific research for his style of movement?
BB: Not really. Because you sort of have to pose him for what he's doing. Forcing him into some pose just 'cause I saw it doesn't quite work. He really needs to flow on the page but that needs to work with what he's doing
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Nightwing Design, by Brett Booth. With added finger stripes! |
BB: Yeah, because I already have a feel for him. With all those sketches, they serve a few different purposes, one is me getting a feel for a character. It usually takes me a few issue to get a proper feel for someone. This way I knew what I was doing right out of the block!
CS: How much research do you do before drawing a city? Is it harder to draw real cities than Fictional cities, and which do you prefer?
BB: It depends, if I have to do something specific I'll try and get some shots of what I need. Most cites look pretty much the same. Average person wouldn't know the difference if they were magically plopped into one.
I prefer fictional, because I can make the city do exactly what I need it to do! And what's in my head is simply cooler;P
CS: Is it nice to still be working with the same inker and colourist, Norm Rapmund and Andrew Dalhouse, that you were on Teen Titans?
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Nightwing print, by Booth, Rapmund and Dalhouse |
BB: Yep! We're one crazy dysfunctional family! But we can count on each other to get stuff done!
CS: Can you say which issue you're on at the moment?
BB: Was in the home stretch of 21, but got pulled off to help on another book. So 21:)
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Sneak peek at Nightwing #21, by Brett Booth |
CS: Is there anything you can tease for the upcoming arc in Nightwing?
BB: Nope;)
CS: A few more general questions here.
Now, you do a lot of costume designs for characters in the New 52, if you could re-design any of the existing characters who would you pick?
BB: Hmmmm.... not sure. Earth 2 Flash I think. I just don't like that helmet... I know, WW 1 but with all the changes on Earth2 that would have been a good one. I know I'm in the minority on that!
CS: are there any characters, from any company that you'd like to draw in a regular book?
BB: Besides Wally West and Ted Kord? Booster Gold! Cyclops from the X-men. He was may favorite character growing up!
CS: And one crazy question, if Dick Grayson was a fruit, what would he be?
BB: Pineapple... Wait that's Ted Kord.... Blueberry
CS: Thanks again, Brett!
BB: Best!
Nightwing #19 is released on April 14, and is written by Kyle Higgins and pencilled by Brett Booth. With inks and colours by Norm Rapmund and Andrew Dalhouse.
You can also catch Brett on his blog, . And his twitter page, .
Nightwing #19 is released on April 14, and is written by Kyle Higgins and pencilled by Brett Booth. With inks and colours by Norm Rapmund and Andrew Dalhouse.
You can also catch Brett on his blog, . And his twitter page, .
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