Friday, 19 April 2013

Guardians of the Galaxy, set in the future of a different dimension?

Guardians of the Galaxy concept art.
Today, Bleeding Cool reported on a casting call for the upcoming Guardians of Galaxy movie, Reading through the list of requests including Amputees and Bald people, I noticed something interesting. Every description included a line reading "For new Marvel superhero film about a team of super heroes who protect the galaxy in the future of an alternate dimension".

Now, I know this was the case with the original Guardians of the Galaxy comics created in 1969, but I think a lot of people were under the impression this'd be set in the same time and universe as the Avengers films (also, pretty sure the current comics are set in the current 616 timeline ). Well, I guess it's not the case for the film.

I'm wondering if there's still anyway to get any Avengers involved, since that seems to be one of Marvel's biggest selling points for most of their films. But to be honest, if it's got an Avenger, most people WILL go and see it.

Here's the Bleeding Cool article I spotted it in:

By the way, didn't notice the bit at the bottom of their article, so it could be known news by now.

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