Sunday, 28 April 2013

Interview: Joshua Hale Fialkov talks Alpha: Big Time, I Vampire, Ultimates and more!

CrimsonSquire: First off, Hi, Josh! Thanks for doing the interview!

We’re going to start off with some questions about one of your current books, I Vampire,
Now, the lead in your book, Andrew Bennet, isn’t an extremely well known character, does it feel more difficult to write a book about a character who’s not a household name?
I, vampire #19, the final issue in the series.
Joshua Hale Fialkov: It has it's pros and cons.  The mainstream superhero comic market is always somewhat resistant to books that don't have Bats or Spiders or Avengers on the covers, and I think that a mainstream superhero horror book is something that hasn't really broken through in thirty years or so, with the exception of maybe the Marvel Zombies stuff.  So from that standpoint it was a bit of an uphill battle.  But, the benefit is that people know less about these characters and their expectations are much less set in stone.

CS: With the series coming to a close soon, do you feel you’ve accomplished what you wanted to with these characters, or do you feel there are more stories you’d want to tell?

JHF: To some degree.  Once we knew we were cancelled, we'd already started a storyline that I didn't want to abandon, but, at the same time, didn't really have room for it and the ending.  But, y'know, even having any forknowledge at all is a lucky thing, and, I'm certainly proud of what we did in these last few issues, particularly in the final one.
CS: Do you feel more of a sense of creative freedom when writing a book like I vampire, considering there’s more to explore in that corner of the DCU?
JFH: Work for Hire comics are always that, work made for hire.  So, it's DC's book, just like Alpha is Marvel's book, or Echoes is my book.  So, there's going to be restrictions and guidelines you are expected to follow.  I think I, Vampire certainly flew under the radar frequently, but, there was still editorial oversight, like there always is.  Again, I think considering all of the things the book had against it from the jump, DC did stand by it, and we got to do a comic that at the very least is completely different from anything else in the New 52. 

CS: Josh, in a few months you’ll be taking on the writing duties on the Ultimates, is this an intimidating task, considering the history this title has?

Ultimate Comics Ultimates #25,
Fialkov's first issue.
JHF: I love being challenged, and Ultimates has definitely been one.  It's certainly the most iconic of the Ultimate books other than Spider-Man, and has a pretty rich history of great creators.  But, I can't really think about that.  I get to tell stories with some of my favorite versions of some of my favorite characters on a canvas that's far bigger than anything I could ever have hoped for.  Almost nothing is off the table, and in my first couple of issues, the status quo of both the team AND the Universe as a whole get tossed on their ear.

CS: Do you feel like you have more control over the Ultimates than other Marvel characters since they’re not part of the 616 universe?

JHF: Oh yeah, we get to have semi-regular conversations with EVERY one of the creators working in the universe, for a start.  So, we all know what each other are doing in far more detail than I think is even possible in the 616.  I like to think of the Ultimate Universe as a bit of the test kitchen for Marvel characters, too.  We get to really experiment and upend expectations in a way that's really liberating and exciting.  Honestly, it's been better than I ever could have dreamed.

CS: Do you take a different approach to writing characters that are household names like Thor compared to someone like Andrew Bennet?

JHF: To some degree, because established characters have more clearly established wants and goals driving them.  With Andrew, I pretty much kept the bulk of what JM DeMatteis had established, but, had a free hand to write the character from scratch.  Here, people know what Ultimate Thor or Ultimate Hulk or Ultimate Cap sound like, and how they think, so, you have to be true to that.

Hulk. With two Infinity Gauntlets.
CS: Is there anything you’re aloud to tease about your run on Ultimates?

JHF: Well, if Hulk with two infinity gauntlets isn't enough to bring you, I don't know what is.

CS: Onto some questions about one of your current books, Alpha: Big Time (which I’m really enjoying By the way!)

JHF: Thank you!

CS: Alpha started off his comic book life as a bit of a jerk, by the end of the series do you think Andy’ll become less jerky?

JHF: I dunno, the path from being a teenage jerk to being an adult not-jerk (or adult less-of-a-jerk) is a pretty long one.  I hope people understand him more by the end of the miniseries.

CS: Alpha: Big Time is over half way through it’s run, when it’s done do you think Alpha will still have a lot of story potential, any more that you’d like to write?

Alpha, Big time #5, the final issue.
JHF: Both Nuno and I are heartbroken that it's ending.  It's bar none the most fun I've had writing a book in so long.  He's so brash and foolish and self-centered, that it taps into all the worst parts of my personality (or, some would say, personality problem), so getting to exorcise that part of me is liberating in a very big way. 

CS: Andy’s obviously still learning to be a good superhero, how does it feel to tell the story of his journey?

JHF: My real background is in coming of age stories... If you look at, for example, ELK'S RUN or ECHOES, those are both stories about people growing up by the force of the circumstances around them.  This is very much in that vein.  And again, I spend so much of my time writing dark, twisted stories, that getting to tell something that's light and fun is really, really exciting.  Although, it gets pretty twisted before it's over. 

CS: In the last issue of the book, Andy developed a new power, or powers, Super senses. Can we expect this change to play a big part in the last two issues, and for Andy’s future?

Alpha, Big time #4. Guest starring Thor.
JHF: Oh yeah.  One of the big things Thomas Brennan and Steve Wacker tasked us with was really clearing up his powers and his purpose in the Marvel Universe.  So, the idea of giving him super senses to go with his other powers just seemed right for where he's going. 

CS: Can we expect anymore established Marvel characters in the book?

JHF: We've got more Superior Spider-Man, obviously, and, issue 4 has Thor show up to give Alpha some 'God to God-like powered teenager' advice.  It's awesome.  Verily awesome. 

CS: What can you tell us about the final two issues of the series? 

JHF: They're a really, really fun ride, and Nuno Plati is doing the work of his career on the book.  I really hope folks give it a look, cause, it's honestly one of my favorite things I've ever worked on

CS: Thanks, Josh!

I, Vampire #19 is out in stores now, Alpha: Big Time #4 is released May 8th and Josh Fialkov's run on Ultimate comics Ultimates starts with #25 in June.
You can also catch Josh on his website, , and his twitter, @JoshFialkov .

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