Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Review: Justice League Dark #19

I haven't read much of this series since the first few issues, I've never been too keen on the magic and supernatural corner of the DCU, but I actually quite enjoyed this issue.

If you know enough about the backgrounds and personalities of these characters, and you want to start with this issue, it's not really that confusing, and is still quite enjoyable. Jeff Lemire and Ray Fawkes have done a great job on writing this issue, and have come up with an interesting plot. The story is great and different, obviously, to a lot of the mainstream DC books at the moment.

The art in this issue is also brilliant, Vincente Cifuentes does a great job of showing action scenes, and any crowd scenes in the book are done really well. He's also really good at drawing facial expressions.

I only have one problem with this issue, and that's that the cover is a little misleading, the Flash appears on two pages of the issue, and never comes face to face with the whole team. This, obviously, isn't really the immediate creative team's fault, as there were probably editorial changes between the cover being produced and the finished interiors.

All around, it's quite a good issue to read, and is very enjoyable, however, if you only bought this for the Flash you may be a little bit dissapointed.

Rating: 8/10

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