Friday, 12 April 2013

Batman Fights for family and Lives for love! Wait, what?

Well, if you're a little confused by the title, don't worry. You're not the only one.

Basically, the other day ABC Family put up a trailer for their showing of Batman Begins, in which they ruined  Batman Begins. For everybody. Forever.
Yeah, you hear them right. "He fights for Family, and lives for love". Now, that wasn't a good trailer, they've sort of messed up the point of the film, and I'll never watch the film the same way again. But let's look at that statement for a moment. And yes, that's a que for an analysis.
So if you don't want to hear an analysis, well....
Oh, well, hear we go anyway.

"He fights for family"

So, I'm going to look at this, now. I think it might technically be true...
Thomas and Martha, the most important members of the Wayne family, to Bruce at least, I think. They were killed in front of Bruce, think we all know that, after they died, he started the path to being Batman, and fighting crime.
Dead family.
Fighting crime.
Fights for family?
Fights because of his family, pretty sure "Fights for family"... might actually work.
Also, in the comics, I can see Batman carrying on fighting because of the latest death in his family, Damian Wayne, his son.
So, yeah, he sort of Fights for family.

"He lives for love"
Okay, we all know Bruce Wayne's had his fair share of Girlfriend's but that's not what I'm focusing on. The love of the city, the love of his ( remaining ) family, the love I guess Thomas and Martha would be feeling for him, in whichever after-death state you believe in. I think that's what keeps him going, the love of the people he cares about. I think it's what keeps him alive.
So, maybe he "lives for love" a bit too. Just maybe

So, ABC family were... sort of right, I guess. I know they didn't mean any of it like that, but if you really pick it apart, it works.

But that trailer still ruins Batman Begins for me.

- Harry, CrimsonSquire

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