Harry: First off, Thanks for doing this interview, Ryan!
I'm going to start off with a few questions about one of the books you used to draw, Scarlet Spider!
How much of a say did you get in what the character was like, considering Kaine was changed in a big way from his former villain identity?
Scarlet Spider by Ryan Stegman |
Ryan Stegman: Hm...Most of that stuff was Yost. I got to re-design the character's costume and I made the decision to maintain his bulk, so to speak. I wanted him to look more intimidating than Peter. I do think I suggested we cut his hair and get rid of the beard so that he was more identifiable to the reader. But I think I may have suggested that and Yost said, "Oh yeah, I already planned on that." We were really on the same wavelength with everything.
Harry: Even though you don't draw the book any more, you're the cover artist on the series. Do you ever enjoy this more than interiors? Considering you still get to draw the character but you don't have to do as much for the deadline.
Ryan Stegman: No! I don't have anything against covers. I enjoy doing a few of those a month. But I'd lose my mind doing just covers. I like to tell stories. And I like to tell stories panel-to-panel. You can tell a story on a cover, sure, but you only get one image and story is generally subordinated to other aspects like design and making it "pop" of the shelves.
I am currently in a week where I'm just trying to pump out four different covers and it's really tough because I like to think about a cover for a few days before doing it. Just marinate on it while doing other pages. Maybe I'll think about it when I go for a run, or something will come out of nowhere and hit you. But when you have to do a bunch of covers in a row you don't get that time to conceive and it makes it really, really hard.
Harry: Did drawing Kaine give you more experience for drawing web-slingers when it came to drawing Superior Spider-Man?
Ryan Stegman: Absolutely. I mean, I've kind of always drawn web-slingers in my spare time. But yeah, I really got to learn how to sequence action with Spider-characters throughout that book.
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Fantastic Four by Stegman |
Harry: You also had a run on Fantastic Four before it's renumbering, do you take a different approach to drawing team books than you do solo books?
Ryan Stegman: Yes. It's much harder! I really think about composition when I'm drawing on interior pages. And the more characters you have the more unruly the composition gets. Because there are so many variables that are difficult to control. So the planning stage takes longer. It all takes longer!
Harry: Do you prefer any aspects of either type of book? For example, drawing backgrounds, there being less to draw in team books.
Ryan Stegman: I think I prefer doing a single character book because I can really connect with one character. The best example that I can give is that when I did my first issue of Amazing Spider-Man, 665, I felt like I connected immediately. I knew exactly what to do with the character. All my focus was on him.
In Fantastic Four I felt like I really started to get it in my 3rd issue. Because I had all these little scenes with each character and we had to give each one their own emotional weight. So when I finally figured it out, my run on the book was essentially done!
Amazing Spider-Man 665 interiors
by Stegman |
Harry: Onto your current project, Superior Spider-Man, which I'm really loving by the way!
This is obviously quite a controversial book, with one of Peter Parker's deadliest villains, Doctor Octopus, taking control of Spider-Man's body and taking on the role. Do you ever find negative comments distracting or unnerving or do you find it easy to carry on making the book and ignore them?
Ryan Stegman: Well, I only really get down when I read negative comments about my side of the book, meaning the art. Because I read the scripts. I read the book. I've read Dan's run on the book. I KNOW, in my mind, that it's a great story. So it's almost like an outsider looking in. I read negative comments about the story and just have a different opinion.
But when it's my art, that is harder for me to be objective about. Because I can't say definitively that what I do is good or great. That's for others to judge. So if somebody hates it I take it into account. Possibly to a fault!
Harry: Are there any specific changes you make to drawing Spider-Man between Peter Parker and Otto Octavius?
Ryan Stegman: Only in his mannerisms and facial expressions. I draw Ock/Peter exactly as I would Peter just with arched eyebrows or maniacal smiles etc.
Superior Spider-Man by Stegman |
Harry: Do you prefer drawing the Superior costume or Peter Parker's costume?
Ryan Stegman: Both are cool. The Superior costume isn't different enough for me to really have much of an opinion. I will say that we did away with the webbing on the triceps that Parker had and that makes it way easier to draw!
Harry: On this series, there is a team of rotating artists, consisting of you, Guiseppe Camuncolli and Humberto Ramos. Are there ever times when you think "I would've loved to draw that issue" etc.?
Ryan Stegman: Well I'd love to draw every issue! But no, I am a huge fan of both artists and I love seeing how they do their issues. I'm really happy with the issues I got to do.
Harry: How is it decided which artist draws which issue?
Ryan Stegman: That's a question for Wacker! But I think he does a good job with that. He knows what our strengths are.
Harry: The writer of the series, Dan Slott, obviously starts setting up major storylines a long time before they happen. Does he usually tell you the things he's leading up to so you know a long time in advance?
Ryan Stegman: Yes. I'd like to take a journey through Dan's mind someday. It would be fascinating and terrifying. Dan will call me on the phone and just machine gun idea after idea and it's amazing. I could listen to him ramble on about this stuff all day. But yeah, I probably know what the plans are for the next two years or so right now.
Harry: (SPOILERS AHEAD) Now, the most recent issue of the series was #9, this was probably one of the biggest issues in the series and involved Otto Octavius erasing Peter Parker once and for all. Obviously this will have a major impact on the series, how do you think it'll change the tone of the book?
Ryan Stegman: Well, I drew the next issue so I don't want to give too much away. But you can rest assured that Ock is going to spread his wings and really be himself.
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Inside the head of Peter Parker and Otto Octavius |
Harry: This issue was mostly set inside Peter Parker/Otto Octavius' head. Was it fun to get to draw in such an odd setting?
Ryan Stegman: Oh yeah. It was awesome. I love drawing stuff that isn't real. Anything that will let me be imaginative and go nuts. And that was definitely an issue where I got to do that.
Harry: Will this change the way Otto acts in the series?
Ryan Stegman: He will be more Ock-y than ever!
Harry: Onto some questions about a recent piece of news for the book, the return of Spider-Man 2099. Was it fun to draw such a classic character or was it a little bit intimidating?
Spider-Man 2099 convention sketch by Stegman. |
Ryan Stegman: Well, if I was going to be intimidated by anything it'd be drawing Amazing Spider-Man. So no, this is just fun! I love his costume. And I just can't wait to get into the story and draw him in action. It's gonna be too much fun.
Harry: What can you tease about his upcoming appearance?
Ryan Stegman: Really, all I can say is that I hope we can bring him back right. I hope that it is so well received that we see a lot more of the character in the coming years.
Harry: One last Superior related question, is there anything you can tease for the series?
Ryan Stegman: No! Haha. Everything is under lock and key!
Harry: And just one general question. If you could draw any character or series from any publisher, who/what would you choose?
Ryan Stegman: My own characters! I love to create. Spider-Man is the gold standard at the big 2 for me. It's what I always wanted. Beyond that, the only thing that's really left is my own characters. In a perfect world I'd somehow alternate between Spider-Man and my own characters!
Harry: Thanks again, Ryan!
Ryan Stegman is one of three rotating artists on Superior Spider-Man, issue #9 is on sale now!