This really gets on my nerves, you wait ages for an event related to one of your favourite characters and it's gone quicker than Joshua Hale Fialkov's run on Green Lantern Corps!

Look at some of the major DC Comics crossovers, they last for months (like most of Marvel's too, actually) events such as Blackest Night ( running for eight issues in it's own series and spinning off to include nearly the whole DCU), Flashpoint ( Five issues of it's own solo series, with loads miniseries spinning off from it, although to be fair it did reboot the DCU) and the recent Death of the Family ( four months tying into almost every Bat-book on the shelves for that time ), why not give all of the events the multi-month treatment?
I mean, don't the creators deserve it? they've been building to it for months and months so why not let the climax of their arc last a little longer? This concept was probably exciting when it was first used, that it's so fast-paced and quick but now it's just sort of tiring.

I feel like this doesn't do the story justice, considering this is the first big story that the new Green Lantern creative teams are facing, and it's something that deserves to be bigger. Getting it done in one month seems like it's being rushed, which isn't exciting to me, it's annoying.
Another point that I want to bring up about this topic goes back to the Teen Titans example, and the fact that after "The Culling" the book didn't keep at a good standard. I feel like that series peaked with the Culling, but it seems that was the last good idea for the book. If the story had been allowed to continue a little longer it could've given the writer some more time to come up with ideas for the next stories because as much as I loved that title around the time of the event, I have to admit, it seems to be running very low on ideas and the only good bit about it now is the characters, really.
There is a pretty easy solution to this problem, why not have the story run just through the main book for several months rather than multiple books for one? You can still include all of the characters from different books, just use them in the one book and let the story run longer, it's most likely what the event and the creative team deserves.
If mainstream events are allowed to go on for months, why not all of the books? It adds more impact to the story if it lasts longer, and the longer the event is on the shelves for, the more new readers are likely to take notice and read it.
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